Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Recomendation: Howl's Moving Castle

7f753484-9cd0-442f-a260-163e2a17aab6 (405×537)

7f753484-9cd0-442f-a260-163e2a17aab6 (405×537)(Don't Own)

Summary provided by R-senpai

Howl's Moving Castle is the most amazing thing that happened in this world. This story takes place in the future where there is a large war occurring. During this war, a young woman has been cursed and the only thing she can do to reverse her curse is to ask the wizard Howl. Howl is a well known wizard that is trying not to interact to much with the war. Sophie goes to meet him but instead meets his fire-demon, Calcifer, who makes a deal with Sophie. If she can break Howl's and his bond, then he will break her curse. Of course Sophie takes up this offer. She has found herself to become Howl's cleaning lady. She meets young Michael, Howl's apprentice. They become rather attached to each other. Sophie believes that Howl does not know who she is. But throughout the movie, Howl is showing strange signs of recognition. Will Sophie be able to break Howl's curse? Will Howl become evil? What will happen to our lovely characters? To find out everything, you must watch the movie. It will bring tears to your eyes (as it did to mine). ðŸ˜‚😂

R-senpai's reasons why likes movie:

  • Animation
  • Romance
  • Director was awesome
  • Characters are amazing
  • Chemistry was awesome
  • Plot was awesome

Reasons why should watch movie:

  • Animation
  • Romance
  • Plot
  • Magic
  • Many connections made to a single thing.
  • Too awesome to explain
R-senpai: #1 in my heart! Was stuck on it for 2 years! Still in love with the book and movie!

1 comment:

  1. I read it!! I loved it too!! R-Chan!! Let's be friends!!!!
